Sunday, 30 December 2012

Perfect Sense movie video clip

Perfect Sense is a movie that I imagine will be rather polarizing, with most people loving it or hating it, and only a smaller number falling somewhere in the like/don’t-like spectrum. And those reactions will depend, in large part, on what folks are expecting and looking for from the flick. In Perfect Sense, there’s a possible global pandemic which may just be the End Times. It begins with people being hit with an intense emotional sadness, balling over into crying lumps, and when they dry their eyes, they no longer have their sense of smell. Further emotion/sense symptoms follow from there. Some people will already be out with this emotional aspect — they’ll find it silly. And it is a little silly. Others will be pissed that questions about this pandemic go unanswered. How did it start? How did it spread? How does it work? Is there an immunity or a cure. Not the point.

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